Friday, June 6, 2008

June 6

Yesterday was Mom and Dad's anniversary. Dad and Pat came in the evening and mom and dad celebrated their anniversary by eating some ice cream. Dad was very sweet and attentive to Mom. He, our dad, did most of the talking while he sat by her bedside and held her hand. Just before midnight, mom's heart rhythm changed from a normal sinus rhythm with a rate of 70-80, to an atrial fibrillation with a rate ranging in the 140's - 160's. She ended up getting some various medicines during the night and the cardiologist on call, Dr. Peterson, came in and discussed what was happening. Mom's heart rhythm is ranging in the 120's - 140's now. We are waiting for the cardiologists to come in and talk about doing a cardioversion, where they will give her heart a little "zap" and hopefully put it back into correct sinus rhythm. Mom is quite sleepy, but she is trying to eat to get some more strength. Laurel is here, we are all grateful to have her nursing skills help assist mom. Mom is looking forward to a visit with Marshall tonight.

Let you know more as things change.

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